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Rosé Genesis

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Rosé Genesis
Made in Australia.
The world’s first truly premium de-alcoholized sparkling. Authentically dry. Exquisitely delicious. Crafted with Méthode Moderne.

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3 years in the making and 19 iterations to perfect, the exceptional Cuvée Genesis marks the establishment of Pernelle’s Methodé Moderne, a commitment to the highest standards of de-alcoholized winemaking, and with it a sparkling new tradition. One that combines the best of Méthode Traditionnelle craftsmanship with innovative proprietary processes and ferments to create quality, without compromise. Pernelle Cuvée Genesis is gently de-alcoholized in one pass, before undergoing further stages of crafting and refinement to bring it to its full potential.

Méthode Moderne.
A new standard in de-alcoholized sparkling winemaking.